Social Outreach

Detail of family to be supported

Family of I Made Sumber


Fundraising for I Made Sumber: Rp 60,000,000 (USD XX)

The family of I Made Sumber lives in Subilang district, Bukian Village, Gianyar.
The family of four lives in an uninhabitable home with walls made out of bamboo and floor out of dirt. In addition to bringing up his son who is studying in high school, I Made Sumber also has to provide for his parents. His wife has left him since his son was 13 months old.
I Made Sumber works as a handyman with no steady daily income. On days where he is able to work, he will earn a maximum of Rp 60,000/ day.
I Made Sumber has been able to buy some bricks to build a house but until today has not been able to start the building process as to having his daily struggles. He has admitted that on several occasions he had to borrow money to cover his daily expenses and repay the loan by working for the lenders. 

To donate cash:
Visit any of our counters in Bali



Supported by

Bank note current rate:
  currency buy sell
USD 15,775 0
AUD 10,150 0
HKD 1,900 0
SGD 11,600 0
MYR 3,225 0
CAD 11,275 0
GBP 20,375 0
EURO 17,150 0
SFR 17,900 0
YEN 100.75 0
NZD 9,075 0
THB 350 0
NT 375 0
WON 9 0
DKK 1,925 0
SEK 1,175 0
BND 11,050 0
NOK 1,150 0
SAR 3,700 0
PHP 200 0
RMB 2,075 0
INR 125 0
RUB 90 0
AED 3,750 0
VND 0.43 0
   Last Updated :27 Jul 2024 - 10:42 AM
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