Rupiah Opens Higher by 5 Points
Rupiah opened higher against the US dollar by five points to Rp 13,343 per USD on Friday (14/7/2017). Rupiah is traded in the range of Rp 13,331 - Rp 13,352 per USD this morning.

Reza Priyambada, an analyst at Binaartha Sekuritas, said that purchase volume on rupiah-based assets is still low, limiting the advance of domestic currency. Most Asian currencies rose on a statement from The Feds Janet Yellen on non-aggressive reference rate hike.

Jul 14, 2017

Source : Netral English

Bank note current rate:
  currency buy sell
USD 15,775 0
AUD 10,150 0
HKD 1,900 0
SGD 11,600 0
MYR 3,225 0
CAD 11,275 0
GBP 20,375 0
EURO 17,150 0
SFR 17,900 0
YEN 100.75 0
NZD 9,075 0
THB 350 0
NT 375 0
WON 9 0
DKK 1,925 0
SEK 1,175 0
BND 11,050 0
NOK 1,150 0
SAR 3,700 0
PHP 200 0
RMB 2,075 0
INR 125 0
RUB 90 0
AED 3,750 0
VND 0.43 0
   Last Updated :27 Jul 2024 - 10:42 AM
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